Hi Everybody,
Today we began to put the sweat in sweat equity. We began to paint one of the new schools and it was an incredible experience. We had more help than we had paint!!
The most incredible thing here is you realize that the saying that, "If all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail." is true. Well in Tanzania, a machette is used for just about everything! From sanding the concrete off of walls to prime them for painting, to creating rolling sticks.
After lunch we had some free time so it was decided to take a hike where the last king of Kilema was buried. The weather once again was not too hot or cold and had a of cloudy Kilimanjaro & we could even see Kenya. To then top off the night we have a movie night which was NSFN (Not Safe for Nuns) but gut wrenching funny. We are off to bed and Roger would like to annouce that unlike himself, his wife doesn't snore.

Us Hard at Work

Us at the top of the Mountain
Kilema 2010